About us

Oxford Contact Dance mast head photo
Dancing contact improvisation at one of our dance sessions, Dec. 2016. Photo: Pier Corona

Oxford Contact Dance started in 2014 and we organise dancing, classes, and workshops in Oxford, UK for contact dance including contact improvisation. Often these classes are drop-in sessions and no booking is required. We also organise performances and research movement through workshops ('lab-ing' as its known). We welcome beginners and newcomers with no experience of dance or from other dance traditions. See our events on the home page.

Contact improvisation is a dance which originated in the 1970’s and which has now spread throughout the world. It’s often taught in university dance courses but it’s easy to learn and fun. It’s an improvised dance – a dialogue in movement – which has a fluid and dynamic form.

We are a constituted association run by volunteers. Please join the email list for information about forthcoming events. Everyone can join Oxford Contact Dance and participate in its future direction.

Email newsletter: your email address

See archives of our past events 2017-2014


You can contact us by email on [email protected] removing the '-' symbols in the email address. The dashes are included to thwart robots which harvest email for spam! Thanks.

About Contact Dance

Contact Dance is any dance which involves significant physical contact. We use the term contact dance in a simlar way to contact in 'contact sport'. Contact dance includes for example, contact improvisation, contact tango, water dance and playfighting.

Contact improvisation is a dance which originated in the 1970’s and which has now spread throughout the world. It’s often taught in university dance courses but it’s easy to learn and fun. It’s an improvised dance - a dialogue in movement - which has a fluid and dynamic form, and it’s social dancing; not stage dancing. See examples of Contact Dance (Contact Improvisation and Contact Tango).