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Oxford Contact Dance events in 2021
Events in 2021
Dance in the Park 2021 - Physically distanced dance
Wednesday evenings 6pm - September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Dancing outside with Oxford Contact Dance.
Dance in the Park is a facilitated session where we'll use games, exercises and improvised dance to enjoy moving together. Suitable for everyone - including beginners and experienced dancers. We'll research and investigate dance without touch - including using sticks, ropes and other items to connect and contact-through.
Read an article about Dance in the Park 2020 and the dance which we created.
Bring a water bottle and wear loose clothing in which you can move freely. Note: no amplified music is allowed in the park but acoustic instruments welcome.
Location: booking essential - see below. Meeting at 6pm at Keble Gate, University Parks, Parks Road, Oxford. OX1 3PU. The gate is opposite the intersection of Keble Road & Parks Road and beside the physics institute (Beecroft Building). Keble Gate is shown on this map. You can also see a picture of Keble Gate on Google's Streetview too. Note: Please come to the meeting point - not after we've started and in the park. Thank-you.
Time: 6pm - 7.15pm
Cost: Free but donations appreciated!
Booking: Please Email [email protected] (Remove the dash symbols from the email address. They're included to reduce spam!) by 8pm on the Tuesday evening before, requesting a place, and we'll reply and confirm. Thank-you for helping us to make Dance in the Park a success.
Safety: If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) then please do not attend! Stay at home and contact the NHS. It's essential for us to comply with the law and guidance on COVID-19, and to minimise the possibility of infection. We will provide hand sanitiser for your use. Let's stay safe!
You can dance with or without a face-covering. This is what the UK Government advises re grassroots sport: 'People are not required to wear face coverings while taking part in sport and physical activity. All forms of face coverings may restrict breathing efficiency and should not be used during exercise except on specific advice from a physician.'. However, it is important to maintain a physical distance of at least one metre plus from others.
Dance in the Park 2021 - Physically distanced dance
Wednesday evenings 6pm - August 4, 11, 18, 25
Dance in the Park 2021 - Physically distanced dance
Wednesday evenings 6pm - July 21, 28
Dance in the Park 2021 - Physically distanced dance
Wednesday evenings 6pm - June 9, 16, 23, 30

Photo: Dance in the Park 2020. Photo: Fiona Bennett
Dance in the Park is a facilitated session where we'll use games, exercises and improvised dance to enjoy moving together. Suitable for everyone - including beginners and experienced dancers. We'll research and investigate dance without touch - including using sticks, ropes and other items to connect and contact-through.
Read an article about Dance in the Park 2020 and the dance which we created.
Bring a water bottle and wear loose clothing in which you can move freely. Note: no amplified music is allowed in the park but acoustic instruments welcome.
Location: booking essential - see below. Meeting at 6pm at Keble Gate, University Parks, Parks Road, Oxford. OX1 3PU. The gate is opposite the intersection of Keble Road & Parks Road and beside the physics institute (Beecroft Building). Keble Gate is shown on this map. You can also see a picture of Keble Gate on Google's Streetview too. Note: Please come to the meeting point - not after we've started and in the park. Thank-you.
Time: 6pm - 7.15pm
Cost: Free but donations appreciated!
Booking: Please Email [email protected] (Remove the dash symbols from the email address. They're included to reduce spam!) by 8pm on the Tuesday evening before, requesting a place, and we'll reply and confirm. Thank-you for helping us to make Dance in the Park a success.
Safety: If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) then please do not attend! Stay at home and contact the NHS. It's essential for us to comply with the law and guidance on COVID-19, and to minimise the possibility of infection. We will provide hand sanitiser for your use. Let's stay safe!
You can dance with or without a face-covering. This is what the UK Government advises re grassroots sport: 'People are not required to wear face coverings while taking part in sport and physical activity. All forms of face coverings may restrict breathing efficiency and should not be used during exercise except on specific advice from a physician.'. However, it is important to maintain a physical distance of at least one metre plus from others.
Dance in the Park 2021 - Physically distanced dance
Wednesday evening 6pm - April 28 & May 5, 12, 19, 26
Dance in 2021 - keeping dance alive
In January and February 2021, Oxford is in lock-down which prevents us from running Dance in the Park. We'll return later in the year. Our outdoor dance classes and sessions are free to everyone and we'd like to keep it that way. Please support us with a donation to cover our essential costs.
We use Ko-fi for online fund-raising - see above. Thank-you so much for keeping the dance alive.
Previous events at Oxford Contact Dance, 2020-2014
See events in 2020 and before.